
CDCS & CSG Program Eligibility and Service Models

Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) and the Consumer Support Grant (CSG) are outgrowths of the national self-determination movement that reflects the principles of freedom to live a meaningful life, authority over funds needed for support, support to organize resources in ways that are meaningful, responsibility for the wise use of public funds and confirmation of …

CDCS & CSG Program Eligibility and Service Models Read More »

Caregiver Training: What Pinnacle Requires

What kinds of training does a caregiver get before taking care of seniors? Not all agencies require the extensive training that Pinnacle does. According to Karin Malkowski Stende, trainer/human resources associate, Pinnacle requires “very intensive, 30-plus hours of classroom and on-site training that new staff are expected to complete during their initial two weeks of …

Caregiver Training: What Pinnacle Requires Read More »

Pinnacle Services Home Care for the elderly anticipates early warning signs indicating possible problems for your loved one

***   FREQUENT CALLS:  from your loved one or significant other. ***  PHYSICAL OBSERVATION:  increased fragility; unkempt person or home; increase sensory impairment; acute illness or injury. ***  PSYCHOSOCIAL OBSERVATIONS:  increased confusion/forgetfulness; anxiety or depression; change in mood or personality; increased isolation; new or increased paranoia; deteriorating relationships. ***  SUPPORT SYSTEMS:  inadequate support systems; change in …

Pinnacle Services Home Care for the elderly anticipates early warning signs indicating possible problems for your loved one Read More »

NY Times Articl Addressing the Impact of the Recession on Caregivers

While catching up on reading I came across an article in the New York Times that addresses how the recession has impacted families who are caring for a family member.  The article does a great job of describing the hardships to caregivers caused by the recession. The full article can be found at: