Support the Best Life Alliance

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5 Reasons to Support the Best Life Alliance

1.  Minnesotans believe people with disabilities and older adults should live in and contribute to their communities. Community-based services provide greater opportunity to build strong connections with neighbors and the community. A 5% rate increase supports this belief.
2.  Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) and Caregivers support your family; shouldn’t they be able to support their own?
3.  A 5% increase will help to recruit and retain consistent staff; this is crucial to quality care. Low wages lead to higher staff turnover, creating more stress, less stability and lower quality care.
4.  DSPs and caregivers who support people with disabilities and older Minnesotans have demanding, highly-skilled jobs. A 5% increase shows we value these employees and their commitment to this field.
5.  Community-based services are some of the largest employers in rural Minnesota. A 5% rate increase will support dedicated staff who will put dollars to work in their local communities.

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Best Life Alliance. (n.d.). Retrieved from